About Us


Grand Rapids Calvary Church is a loving community of people who desire a deeper relationship with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and a deeper fellowship with all of God’s children. Our congregation is welcoming and dedicated. We strive to be one family under God and that shines in our worship, events, and community. When you come to Grand Rapids Calvary Church you will find a relaxed atmosphere.  Dress is casual.  Our music is a blended mix of traditional and contemporary. 

We hold events throughout the year, during worship and for our community that includes, the blessing of the backpacks, teacher appreciation, Christmas Bazaar, baked steak dinners, first responders’ appreciation service, graduation and so much more. 

If you have young children, you will be hooked. We have great Sunday school teachers who keep our youth engaged and learning. Our children’s sermon is outside the box. There is not a planned sermon. Each week one of our youth brings in a “children’s bag” with an object of their choice from home. The pastor must know what that object is and wing a sermon on it. If they stump the pastor, they get candy.  Our youth are able to engage with the pastors and thrive to stump them every week. We also have confirmation classes as well as vacation bible school and youth lock-ins. 

Bring your family and friends to praise our Lord and Savior. Become a part of our family and a wonderful community.

-Pastor Scott Carman